Name: Leslie Panfil, CPSM
Title: Communications Manager, Chapter President
Firm: The Austin Company
SMPS Chapter: SMPS Northeast Ohio
# of years in the A/E/C industry: 10
How has SMPS helped you in your career? SMPS is a valuable resource for education and networking with a vibrant community of like-minded professionals. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or new to the field, SMPS offers a platform for growth, learning, and collaboration to help you excel in your career. I am eternally grateful to this diverse group of individuals who have shared their insights, experiences, and best practices with me.
Helpful hint to share with your fellow SMPS members: Like so many things in life, you get what you put into SMPS. That is why I continue to take an active role in our chapter.
Tell us something we would be surprised to learn about you: I have a degree in Rhetoric. I did my college internship at NBC. I am a huge MMA fan.
What I did at work yesterday: Worked on blog and landing page content.
As a CPSM, how has certification benefitted you? Studying for my CPSM highlighted how much I have learned over the course of my career and how much I still had to master. It came with a tremendous sense of accomplishment and confidence.