The Business of Getting Business

In today’s B2B landscape, smart growth is fueled by four critical drivers: people, profit, position, and perception.

Firms that lead with marketing understand that their marketing practice is a vital development function, as well as a strategic business tool. By utilizing their marketing team holistically to win business and serve corporate goals the right way, these A/E/C firms continue to evolve.

Very much like a good Merchant Ivory film, there will invariably be surprises, tears, antiheroes, and layers of tradition to cut through in order to discover a brand-new world. Which brings us to the first point.

Smart? Yes. Easy? Not always. Essential? Absolutely.

As marketers, we live at the intersection of internal and external client service with access to all stakeholders. This unique perspective enables us to synthesize our firm’s internal and external differentiators and value to solidify competitive advantage.

To read more, download the full article.


Article, written by Louise Boulton-Lear, CPSM, first appeared in the December 2018 issue of Marketer.

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