Mentoring: It Is a Two-Way Street

Mentoring: It Is a Two-Way Street

Most of us have heard of the butterfly effect, where small things can profoundly affect complex systems. We cannot think of a more complex system as can be found in human interaction. Intentionality within the system can create conditions  in the future that are significantly impacted by small interactions. Mentoring can be purposeful and, when applied with intentionality, can create great things in the future for both parties. Simply said, mentoring is incredibly important as it can shape the world in the future.

Mentoring has been a hot topic for a long time, especially since the pandemic and the work-from-home movement. However, as we have grown and progressed in our careers, we realize that it was because of the many people that have taken the time to teach and coach us. We are who we are because of their careful and well-timed tutelage. We both appreciate their time and realize that mentoring is not as easy as it sounds. But the more we do it, the more rewarding it can be.

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Article, written by Leah Boltz, FSMPS, CPSM, and Craig Galati, FAIA, FSMPS, CPSM, first appeared in the December 2022 issue of Marketer.

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