Happy Fall, Y’all

Happy Fall, Y'all

I love fall. The trees start to change, the days get shorter and cooler, and, best of all, it’s football season! Whether it’s watching my favorite college team (Go Pokes!) or pro team (Go Chiefs!), I love watching plays develop and seeing how both sides react to a given situation. And while there are plenty of individual success stories to go around, those successes still hinge on the team functioning at a high level.

Our marketing and business development teams have to work in a similarly functional fashion. We all need to communicate, assess situations, determine approaches and, most of all, execute. The mission of the SMPS Foundation is to give timely, relevant research to those who market and build business for professional services firms. Whether it’s through neuropsychology principles, MarTech research, or determining the needs of our members and your firms, the Foundation is working to give your team a leg up.

For your fall reading, take a look at these and other great resources:

As always, I want to thank you on behalf of the Foundation for your contributions. Enjoy the fall and get outdoors!



SMPS Foundation President Brad Thurman, P.E., FSMPS, CPSM, is principal & chief marketing officer at Wallace Engineering in Tulsa, OK. He can be reached at bthurman@wallacesc.com.


Please consider supporting the SMPS Foundation. Visit our webpage to make a donation and learn of other ways to support your foundation.


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