Does That Resonate With You?

Does That Resonate With You?

Non-marketers don’t use or always understand our A/E/C marketing jargon. When we use language that connects with our internal customers (AKA coworkers and pursuit teammates), we are more effective in our roles. Bonus, we will be better positioned to help educate non-marketers about our unique skills and capabilities.

Marketers are experts at using language and visuals to tell stories. We research customers to learn what they care about to develop compelling messages that help win work. As communicators and collateral experts, marketers are adept at learning and recognizing what customers will be more receptive to in sales collateral and proposals, on websites, billboards, signs, and on social media.

Basically, we do everything we can with the time we have to customize what we develop and put in front of potential A/E/C buyers. But how often are we applying that same skillset to communicate internally with our colleagues and pursuit partners?


To read more, download the full article.


Article, written by Tiffany Rayhbuck, first appeared in the Marketer journal.

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