Giving Thanks in All Seasons

At year-end, our firms typically send cards and gifts to clients to show appreciation for the past year of working together—and in hopes of working together in the future. But are we also thanking others who truly matter?

How often have you thanked your marketing department, your fellow marketing teaming partners, or those in your firm who assist with marketing? My firm celebrates them and shows appreciation in February, around Valentine’s Day, with a special “We Love Marketers” luncheon. Each year is different, and we try to make it a lighthearted event with good food and fun prizes, sometimes even some education—all to express our thanks for including us on their teams throughout the year. It never hurts—and it certainly doesn’t go unnoticed—to overly appreciate and thank a colleague or partner.

I recently attended The Pinnacle Experience in Dallas, TX, where SMPS President Chris Rickman asked everyone to write a thank-you note to their boss for allowing them to attend this special event. The speakers and lessons learned from fellow marketers over the course of the conference inspired me so much that I wrote my boss a long note expressing my thanks. It also included actionable ideas we can implement to help us grow, both internally and externally. We are now implementing these actionable ideas for human resources, business development, and marketing. That first step, an intentional thank you, to your boss, CEO, coworker, or teaming partner establishes a culture of gratitude that can help to differentiate your firm.

Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” And I say, let marketers lead the way, by example, in creating a culture of thanks and appreciation, not just at year-end but all year long. November has long held the glory with Thanksgiving, but how about April, June, and what about August?

What first step can you take to establish a season of thanks within your firm? Be that change and let me know what you’re doing. And thank you for helping marketing professionals lead the way!


Beth Harris, FSMPS, CPSM, serves as director-at-large for SMPS. And she is most thankful for the opportunity to serve SMPS in this capacity! She is vice president of business development for United Consulting in Norcross, GA, and can be reached at

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