There’s always room for growth. And there’s always room for a different mindset.
Often, we’re taught to believe that leadership comes to those who wait. And to those at certain levels or with particular job titles. But that’s not the case.
Leadership isn’t always what we think. A strong leader can be anyone—with any title or position.
Think about someone you consider a strong leader. Did they take charge without being asked? Was it someone who brought out the best in coworkers and let them shine? Maybe a mentor who gave their time and experience, not as a manager but as an expert in a particular field or subject matter?
If you’re starting out or mid-level in your career, don’t let that stop you. Don’t wait to show your leadership skills just because you think your time hasn’t come yet—or you haven’t been asked to take on that role.
How do you begin? Simply by putting yourself out there. One great way is through volunteering. Getting involved, especially within your chapter, can provide new skills or put the ones you already have to better use.
To build on your leadership skills, you could:
- Join a committee and help with efforts at your chapter or answer the Society’s call for volunteers
- Take advantage of professional development and bring it back to your firm as a lunch and learn (even if it’s virtual)
- Participate in a conference and make connections to show your boss and colleagues that networking helps increase business prospects
These are just a few ideas. Always keep your eyes open and don’t wait for permission to step up to the plate and shine.
Until next time,
Tina Myers, CAE
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
P.S. Do you have a colleague who would benefit from SMPS membership? Learn how you can earn an additional three months of membership by referring a friend who joins SMPS as a new member.