2018 CPSM Week

CPSM Week: January 29–February 2, 2018

We hope you all enjoyed the 2018 CPSM Week and found time to Up Your Game!

Thank you for joining us for the 2018 CPSM Week.

We are very pleased to announce all the winners of the 2018 CPSM Recruitment Video Contest from the small, medium, large and extra-large SMPS Chapters:

  1. SMPS Northern New England took first place for their recruitment video by a small chapter!
  2. SMPS Pittsburgh brought home the blue ribbon for their recruitment video by a medium chapter!
  3. SMPS Sacramento captured the top prize for their recruitment video by a large chapter!
  4. SMPS Boston swept the competition with their recruitment video by an extra large chapter!

Congratulations to all the winning chapters!


On Tuesday, January 30 a contest was held on social media to nominate the CPSM who had “Upped Their Game!” the most at their SMPS chapter, their firm, or in the industry. The nominations were tallied, and the winner was Michael McCann, FSMPS, CPSM, senior business development and marketing manager at The Clarient Group in New York, NY. Congratulations Michael!

On Wednesday, January 31 we had a contest to see who could tell the most compelling six-word story and the winner was Andrew Weinberg, FSMPS, CPSM, regional business development manager at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc. in New York, NY who won with “Six Domains, Cultivate Knowledge: Firm Wins!” Congratulations Andrew!

So that’s it! If you missed any of the fun just search for #CPSMWeek2018 to see all the great messages and tweets on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter! While you are there let us know what you thought about the 2018 CPSM Week and please share any ideas for next year’s CPSM Week. We want to hear! If you want to access the archived recording of the webinar, “Lead the Shift. Leadership Tools for the Impact and Influence” facilitated by Jeff Nischwitz on Thursday, February 1 or check out any of the videos submitted by the SMPS Chapters for the CPSM Recruitment Video Contest, please follow this link.

Thank you again to everyone for making the 2018 CPSM Week a great success!

Questions? Reach out to SMPS certification manager Kevin Doyle at 703.684.2271.

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