Nurturing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

A Reflection on Black History Month and Women’s History Month in the A/E/C Professional Marketing and Business Development Industry

This is the perfect time to take a moment to reflect on the strong, powerful voices celebrated during February and March. We celebrate individuality, inclusivity, courage, and persistence.

In the dynamic landscape of marketing and business development for architecture, engineering, and construction (A/E/C), diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) serve as cornerstones for fostering innovation, driving growth, and building strong client relationships. As we commemorate Black History Month and Women’s History Month, it’s essential to reflect on the contributions of women and Black professionals within the A/E/C industries and celebrate their achievements.

In this article, we will explore the significance of DEI initiatives, highlight the achievements of women and Black professionals, and outline the role of marketing and business development in promoting diversity and inclusion within the A/E/C industries. And finally, we’ll share the Foundation’s role as we strive to provide funding for continued opportunities for future professionals.

Embracing DEI in Marketing and Business Development

Marketing and business development professionals in our industry assume a crucial role in shaping the narrative, building relationships, and driving growth for their firms. Embracing diversity within marketing and business development teams enables firms to better connect with clients and stakeholders. Just as important, these teams should reflect the values of the communities our firms serve through our projects. It can’t be overstated, that business growth goes hand in hand with including a variety of perspectives that strengthen thought leadership and overall firm culture.

Promoting equity and inclusion in business development practices ensures that opportunities are accessible to all professionals, regardless of their background or identity. Industrywide DEI initiatives encompass various strategies, including targeted outreach to diverse markets, inclusive practices, language, and imagery in marketing materials, and building and maintaining a culture of belonging within the workplace.

Honoring Black History Month

Black professionals have made significant contributions to the A/E/C industries despite facing systemic barriers and discrimination. From trailblazing marketers like Norma Merrick Sklarek, the first Black woman to become a licensed architect in the United States, to visionary business development professionals like Reginald DesRoches, who spearheaded initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion within engineering firms, Black individuals have left an indelible mark.

However, Black professionals within marketing and business development roles often encounter unique challenges, including implicit bias, limited access to opportunities, and lack of representation. Black History Month provides a platform to celebrate the achievements of Black professionals in marketing and business development, amplify their voices, and advocate for greater diversity, equity, and inclusion within the A/E/C industries.

Celebrating Women’s History Month

Women have been instrumental in shaping the A/E/C industries throughout history. From pioneering marketers like Beverly Willis, an architect who founded the National Building Museum, to visionary business development professionals like Susan Eisenhower, a policy analyst who helped secure major infrastructure projects, women have demonstrated leadership, innovation, and resilience in driving business growth and fostering client relationships.

While progress has been made, women continue to face challenges and disparities within marketing and business development roles in the A/E/C industries, including under-representation in leadership positions and gender bias. However, Women’s History Month provides an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women in our field, recognize their contributions, and advocate for greater gender equity and inclusion.

The Role of Marketing and Business Development in Promoting DEI

We have a unique opportunity to drive DEI initiatives within the A/E/C industries. By incorporating DEI principles into our strategies and practices, marketing and business development teams can promote diversity, equity, and inclusion both internally and externally. This includes showcasing diverse talent and projects, partnering with diverse organizations and communities, and advocating for inclusive policies and practices within our firms.

Each of us as professionals can leverage our influence to champion DEI initiatives, raise awareness of diversity issues, and create meaningful change within our industries. Collaborating with internal stakeholders, clients, and industry partners, we as marketing and business development professionals can help create a more inclusive and equitable space for all professionals.

The Role of the SMPS Foundation

Your SMPS Foundation is committed to helping fund DEI initiatives and to help promote professionals joining our industry. We appreciate the donations of so many, including Andy Zinsmeyer, whose incredible generosity has catapulted this endeavor to reach unheard of heights in a very short timeframe. Your Trustees are committed and continue seeking ways to advance and enhance opportunities and look to each of you for your support.

As we reflect on Black History Month and Women’s History Month within the context of marketing and business development in the A/E/C industries, it’s essential to reaffirm our commitment to DEI. By celebrating the achievements of women and Black professionals, advocating for greater representation and inclusion, and incorporating DEI principles into our strategies and practices, we can build a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive industry for future generations of marketing and business development professionals.


Article written by Janet Lively McCauley, CPSM, Assoc. AIA, in collaboration with Kathryn Ness, CPSM, and Chuck Raymond, CPSM.

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