To provide transparency and expand member engagement, SMPS HQ provides an executive summary of the board of directors’ discussions and decisions following each regular meeting. The eight-member board of directors meets in person at least four times each fiscal year to fulfill its responsibility of governing the Society and advancing the strategic needs of our members, the organization, and the A/E/C marketing profession. Participants at these meetings include the senior management staff and often the the SMPS Foundation president.
The board met on April 26, 2023, in Washington, D.C. This was their third regular meeting of the fiscal year, which began on September 1, 2022. Key discussion topics included the following:
- Received a financial report that showed growth in membership and learning activities.
- Considered reports from task forces on how to best structure non-dues revenue programs and membership fees in the future. Because membership fees have not increased in seven years, the board agreed to raise these fees and the details will be finalized in May and June.
- Discussed progress on the development of the 2022-25 strategic plan.
- Received a report on the activities of the SMPS Foundation.
- Approved an amended code of conduct policy.
- Finalized changes to the SMPS Fellows program, including the formation of a new committee.
- Reviewed a draft of a new website and mobile app.
- Approved the concept to host a conference on artificial intelligence later in 2023.
- Received reports on other activities, events, and the budget.
Following the meeting, the board members participated in the Chapter Leaders Symposium.
If you have any questions regarding these matters or the Society’s board meetings, please contact SMPS Chief Executive Officer, Michael V. Geary, CAE, at