Spotlight on Certification: Rebecca Custer

Spotlight on Certification: Rebecca Custer

Name: Rebecca Custer, CPSM

Title: Business Development Manager

Firm: A.D. Marble

SMPS Chapter: Philadelphia

Number of years in the A/E/C industries: 8.5 years

How has SMPS helped you in your career? I was new to the industry when I started at A.D. Marble. Joining SMPS introduced me to my peers in the industry, linked to me mentors, and has given me a lot of knowledge and ideas to bring back to my company to contribute to our success.

Helpful hint to share with your fellow SMPS members: Don’t be afraid to ask questions, for advice, or ask for second opinions from your connections outside of  your firm. It’s the knowledge sharing with other marketers and business development professionals that sparks ideas.

Tell us something we would be surprised to learn about you: I interned at George Magazine in college and on my first day I ran straight into John F. Kennedy Jr. (editor of the magazine). It’s my greatest celebrity encounter.

What I did at work yesterday: My firm is primarily a subconsultant and we are a DBE firm. For some pursuits, we can be on up to 20 teams and sending out the correct information to firms and on their schedules is key. Yesterday was mostly spent on getting materials to firms on time and correctly as the sole marketing person at my firm.

As a CPSM, how has certification benefitted you? It provided me with a hefty raise for one. More importantly, it’s made me more confident in my job.



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