Louis “Lou” Edward Zickler, passed away peacefully at St. Francis Hospital on February 22, 2022, at the age of 76.
He was an industry leader and a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. You can read more about Lou in the obituary. SMPS will formally recognize Lou in an upcoming issue of the Marketer journal.
SMPS is grateful to Lou for his vision and contributions to our organization and the profession. Thousands of individuals have excelled in their careers because of what he started. Along with the other founders, we couldn’t have done this without him. Lou was awarded the SMPS Founders Medal during the 2008 Awards Gala in Denver, CO, held in conjunction with Build Business, the annual conference (now known as Amplify A|E|C).
Lou was interned on February 28th at Greenwood Cemetery in Greenwood, IN.
SMPS members are asking how they might recognize Lou’s life and service. SMPS donated in his name to the Indiana Parkinson Foundation, per his family’s wishes (see the obituary for more information). You are encouraged to consider the same or donate to the SMPS Foundation Memorial Leadership Endowment in his name.