The term thought leadership is often used interchangeably with content marketing. And although both strategies have much in common, they aren’t the same.
You’ve probably heard the expression “helping is the new selling.” Content marketing focuses broadly on using content to educate prospects—answering their questions, helping them do their jobs, and, ultimately, helping firms win business.
Thought leadership is a subset of content marketing. It’s more than showing off your knowledge or being helpful. Not every subject matter expert (SME) can be a thought leader, and not all educational content is thought leadership. Thought leadership must offer a new or different perspective that challenges audiences’ assumptions about the subject or opens their eyes in some way.
With many A/E/C firms offering similar services, thought leadership is an opportunity to differentiate your firm by showing prospects how you can overcome their challenges and advance their goals.
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Article, written by Ida Cheinman, first appeared in the October 2021 issue of Marketer.