Renowned business trainer Kate Zabriskie said, “The customer’s perception is your reality.” This is what many A/E/C firms lose sight of—client perception. Experiences aren’t shaped through individual interactions, but the cumulative view of them.
No matter how excellent you believe you are, or your company is, at service delivery, future success as an organization depends on how good you are in the mind of your clients. Or as John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, put it, “For us, our most important stakeholder is not our stockholders, but our customers. We’re in business to serve their needs and desires.”
The key to crafting an unmatched experience is by exceeding your clients’ expectations. But how do you determine those expectations? We know all clients are seeking expertise and performance from any A/E/C firm, but what do they want beyond that? How do we create a client experience that differentiates, surprises, and delights?
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Article, written by Andrea Belk Olson, first appeared in the October 2021 issue of Marketer.