Marketing leaders thrive on informing, helping, and influencing clients. As communicators, we spend a lot of time, plus an overabundance of angst, trying to break through the noise with thoughtful content.
This quest isn’t an easy thing to pull off. Reaching client audiences and establishing a trusted advisor position that leads to future revenue are universal challenges for every professional service organization.
Why is it so hard? As marketers in a fast-paced digital age, we know that audience attention spans are short and growing shorter. Audiences also have more social channels, media platforms, and favored sources of information and entertainment than ever, including their favorite podcasts, news sites, content streaming, and special interest sites.
They face the same daily challenge we do—time. And like us, our client’s tolerance for even the slightest whiff of a sales pitch or promotional message is short-lived.
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This article, written by Marketer Contributing Editor Michael J. Reilly, FSMPS, first appeared in the June 2021 issue of Marketer.