In front of and behind the screen—that’s how I describe my work-life at SMPS these days, and it’s not a bad thing. Sometimes I’m a virtual show host, or idea generator, producer, and curator. Other times, I’m learning about the A/E/C industries and best practices for our members and prospects when it comes to events and logistical needs.
Before joining SMPS, I worked in the media sphere for a decade, which means there was always a problem to be solved in less than an hour and never a dull moment. This experience really helped me handle changes and pivot while planning events during a pandemic. My media background in production—specifically having to produce and be the technical producer for live-streamed events—really helped with planning programming schedules and AV team agendas. There’s a lot that goes into TV and radio production, as well as podcasting, so all of my background helped make the pivot to virtual a lot easier for me.
To this day, planning events requires a lot of thought because there are so many more details and logistical needs to encourage safety and fun. I view each day as a challenge that I’m able to proactively jump into and work through to make it something worth everyone’s time.
I know that some in-person events are coming back, and that’s progress. We’re strengthening our relationships by building bridges for those who need to be remote but still want to participate. That’s a reward and new path that really makes developing engaging content and experiences at SMPS even more exciting for me to be part of.
At the end of the day, what happens behind the scenes is what matters. My SMPS experience is more balanced and thought out with a strong-minded team. We’re able to pull up our sleeves and tackle really large tasks for the better of the association and our members and prospects. For that, I feel moved and connected to what I do for the Society.
I’m also grateful to have leadership that allows me to step away and recharge from the screen. Giving me that space for walks and brainstorming really helps me come up with creative ways to increase engagement and experiences for participants. Creating these positive experiences for our members and attendees brings me true joy.
Article written by Semra Ergun, programs and logistics coordinator at SMPS HQ.