SMPS Advances: September 2020

SMPS Advances: September 2020

To provide transparency and expand member engagement, SMPS HQ provides an executive summary of the board of directors’ discussions and decisions following each regular meeting. The eight-member board of directors meets at least four times each fiscal year to fulfill its responsibility of governing the Society and advancing the strategic needs of our members, the organization, and the A/E/C marketing profession. The meeting typically also includes the SMPS Foundation president and senior management staff.

Our volunteer leaders and senior staff met online September 23 for the annual budget meeting. At this meeting, the board approved the budget for fiscal year 2020-2021. The budget includes revenue of $3,993,892 and cumulative expenses of $3,918,273. The board anticipates decreased revenue from previous years due to the impact of COVID-19 on the business operations of our members’ firms. The expenses also reflect this. Capital expenses approved include moving the Society’s HQ and purchasing new furniture, technology equipment replacements, and the role delineation project.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for mid-November 2020.


If you have any questions regarding these matters or the Society’s board meetings, please contact SMPS Chief Executive Officer Michael V. Geary, CAE, at


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