“Look forward, not behind. Your best days are still out in front of you. Be focused and keep your dreams alive.”
—Adedayo Olabamiji
Last August, when I accepted the gavel from SMPS Past President Chris Rickman during Build Business, I could never have predicted what was to come during the year of my presidency. I started my term with a message of “own it” that I hoped would guide our members and friends in their professional and personal lives.
Just six months later, our world was hit by a pandemic caused by an unknown virus. None of us could have imagined something like this happening when the economy was booming, businesses were thriving, and kids were in schools and colleges. My family was planning which NCAA tournament games to attend, and we had just bought tickets for the Cincinnati Reds Opening Day game and to see our favorite bands at concerts and summer festivals. And then, within a week’s time, everything came to a halt.
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Article, written by SMPS President Melissa Lutz, FSMPS, CPSM, first appeared in the August 2020 issue of Marketer.