Inspiring stories from A/E/C thought leaders.
Research shows that 68% of people want to hear their leaders’ personal success stories and 73% of people want to know about the obstacles their leaders have overcome, according to Wisdom Capture. SMPS is leading the charge on this initiative, and as a result, is launching the SMPS Unscripted video series.
One of the main reasons professionals join SMPS is to obtain professional development and form lifelong relationships with mentors. With this video series, SMPS takes these concepts and applies them beyond our traditional events and products to provide members with quick, on-the-go, wisdom from established A/E/C leaders. You’ll discover ideas and gain insight from each interview.
Over the course of the next eight months, we’ll release two videos each month on a variety of topics that include: identifying future leaders, providing career wisdom, and remaining motivated to learn and improve.
The videos will have their own playlist under SMPS Unscripted on the SMPS YouTube Channel. Make sure to subscribe to our page to catch the series.
If you didn’t see the first video with SMPS President, Melissa Lutz, FSMPS, CPSM, view it here. Stay tuned for the next video!