The breakneck demands of today’s A/E/C marketers can banish public relations to the back burner as team members perpetually scramble to meet the latest proposal deadline.
Though understandable, this familiar scenario shouldn’t prevent your firm from launching a PR program—even when internal marketing resources are scarce.
The process of launching and sustaining a PR program begins by recognizing the role of strategic PR in elevating a company’s profile, conveying specialized expertise, and bolstering relationships with current and potential clients. PR can reinforce core messages you’re regularly communicating to prospects in your everyday marketing activities.
That said, this process requires consistent effort and long-term commitment. It should be an ongoing priority for someone on staff, which may mean shifting internal responsibilities or engaging external resources.
Before deciding if and how to move forward, it’s beneficial for your team to agree on a uniform definition of “PR,” as the term means different things to different people.
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This article, written by Mike Plotnick, first appeared in the February 2019 issue of Marketer.