The longer we’re around, the more we realize how inspiration plays an important role in our daily lives. But the act of getting inspired doesn’t mean that, poof, we’re hit over the head and suddenly we know which road to take. Often, inspiration takes shape in a variety of ways—by taking a break, getting out for a walk, even seeing what’s around us.
Most of us need inspiration for our personal lives and our professional ones, too—and then there are times we need it for individual projects to help take our marketing to the next level.
How can we get inspiration for those projects? When you’re looking, there’s no better way than seeing work by our peers and colleagues. And the Marketing Communications Awards gallery is a great way to start.
Did you know? SMPS members have access to the MCA Gallery and winning entries to offer ideas and to help benchmark your marketing communications efforts.
About the MCA Gallery:
- Includes a searchable compilation by company name, category, and winner type
- Contains 72 exhibits of winning entries
- Features a creative-brief description and images for each entry
- Covers 31 categories spanning print, mixed media and digital format, including brochures, holiday cards, promotional campaigns, videos, websites, and much more
When the October issue of Marketer hits your mailbox, read it! The issue showcases some of our winning entries. Not only does it provide for some great reading—it might even inspire you for your next marketing project.
If you have any questions about how you can get the most out of your SMPS membership, please reach out to Membership Coordinator Matthew McFadden at or 703.549.6117 x246. We’re just a phone call or an email away.