Lend your experience and insight at the headquarters level.
Do you want to contribute more to the A/E/C industries? Have you been a volunteer within your chapter? Are you ready to become a Society leader? If you answered “yes” to these questions, then SMPS wants you!
We are seeking SMPS members who have served as volunteers within their chapters and are ready to lend their experience and insight at the headquarters level. This is a great opportunity to serve your Society and to make a difference within the profession.
What you need to know:
• Certification Committee
• Chapter Presidents’ Leadership Symposium, (incoming chair)
• Striving for Excellence and Chapter President of the Year (jurors)
• Other: From time to time, SMPS has a need for volunteers to work on special projects throughout the year. Please complete the survey so we have your name ready at hand.
• Must be a current SMPS member
SMPS committee members serve one term of two consecutive years at which time they may apply to serve on another committee. An exception to this policy would occur should an individual be appointed to serve as the committee’s incoming chair.
Submissions are due and survey will close on Monday, August 27, 2018.