If you haven’t already guessed, April 15–21 is National Volunteer Week. A big thank you from SMPS HQ for all your time and dedication to the Society. In honor of this special occasion, here are a few words from our members on the benefits of volunteering. Thank you, volunteers!
Amy Collins from SMPS Central Pennsylvania:
For nearly 20 years, SMPS has been a cornerstone of my personal life and professional career. When I was new to the A/E/C industries, SMPS provided reassurance, connections, and mentors to develop my skills. When I relocated from California to my home state of Pennsylvania, SMPS provided an immediate network and job opportunities. Through active involvement in my local chapter, I developed leadership skills and participated in activities that were outside of the parameters of my regular day job to expand my expertise and add value to my employer. My passion for SMPS and the great experiences I had also led me to become involved in [other] initiatives, including serving as a trustee of the SMPS Foundation. Volunteering for SMPS has been worth every minute!
Alexis Newman from SMPS New York:
On a professional level, volunteering with SMPS has been a life changer. I have learned so much about how to do my job better, how to lead, and how to empower others around me. On a personal level, I have built a huge network of friends and peers with so many close relationships that I will carry with me long into the future.
Tracy Jenkins from SMPS Sacramento:
On a personal level, the opportunity to volunteer has helped me gain confidence, meet people and make new friends all over the country, and find my “tribe” of people. Professionally, I’ve gained so many new leadership skills that I’m able to take back to my workplace. I know my time as chapter president has really helped me transform from a manager to a leader in my company.
Rebecca Lavezzary from SMPS Colorado:
[I have gained] knowledge, leadership experience, business connections for my firm, and most importantly, lifelong friendships.
Kimberly Ridenour from SMPS Pittsburgh:
I have gained a lot of leadership and organizational skills being a part of the SMPS board in several capacities. SMPS has allowed me to elevate myself within the A/E/C community in my city as well as in other chapters.
Craig Park from SMPS Nebraska:
1) [I’ve gained] resources and learning on all things marketing, PR, and business development unique to the building industry in a “no one is as smart as all of us” environment. 2) Lessons in leadership, in a collaborative “what’s good for all of us” environment; 3) A network of friends that will forever be available in an open “what’s the next new thing” environment; and, 4) most important knowing the Society will share all with all, always.
Uniqueka Walcott from SMPS Maryland:
I have made new friends. I have developed skills necessary to exceed my own expectations. SMPS offers consistent exposure to information and people to empower me to be the best in the business.
Stacy Barrett from SMPS Philadelphia:
I have gained an invaluable network of peers and professionals, as well as lifetime friendships. I have also learned numerous tips and tricks of the trade that help in my everyday workload.
Penny Desatnik from SMPS San Francisco:
I’ve gained important insights and amazing connections with some of the smartest professionals I’ve ever met. It has been very gratifying on both a personal and professional level to participate in and volunteer with SMPS.