Are you interested in being a leader of the signature event of SMPS? Are you looking for ways to bring networking, education, and leadership together to create an extraordinary, career-changing event for your colleagues and peers? If your answer is yes, then this is your opportunity!
SMPS is seeking future leaders for the Build Business conference. Held annually, Build Business is the premier business development, marketing, and leadership conference designed to educate and connect leaders in the A/E/C industries. Build Business heads to Washington, D.C., in 2019, and Austin, TX, in 2020.
The Build Business Committee is charged to serve as member thought leaders to ensure meaningful engagement and a significant educational experience.
This committee is specifically tasked to:
- Work with the SMPS headquarters staff leaders to develop the scope of program content
- Set parameters for workshop presentations and requirements for prospective presenters
- Participate in session selection
- Work with SMPS staff to identify sponsors and exhibitors
The Build Business Committee Chair is specifically tasked to:
- Preside over all committee meetings
- Guide committee members toward active participation, decision making, and achieving consensus
- Lead committee in identifying the key messages to be delivered throughout the conference experience
Available Positions
Chair-Elect (two-year commitment: 2019 and 2020 conferences)
Supports the Committee Chair and works with SMPS headquarters staff leaders and program content leaders to guide the direction of educational content, networking opportunities, sponsorship, and promote the conference within the parameters of the budget approved by the Society board of directors.
The Committee Chair-Elect is specifically tasked to:
- Work in tandem with the Committee Chair to advise the work of the committee
- Work closely with the Committee Chair to keep the committee running smoothly
- Prepare to assume the Committee Chair position
Program Content Leader (two positions available, 16-month commitment)
In coordination with the Committee Chair, Chair-Elect, and SMPS headquarters staff leaders, ensures that a well-balanced, high-quality program is organized and presented at Build Business.
The Committee Program Content Leaders are specifically tasked to:
- Work closely with the Build Business committee to select the educational program
- Work with SMPS headquarters staff leaders to create language for the call for presentations
- Lead discussion on program needs and direction
- Must be a current SMPS member
- Must have attended at least three SMPS Build Business conferences within the last 1/ years
- Must possess superior leadership and organizational skills
- Must be willing to sign a confidentiality and conflict of interest statement
- Must be employed within the professional services industry
- Employer must support your participation
- Must participate in volunteer committee training program
- Must be able to attend Build Business 2018 and in-person planning meetings
- Must be able to participate in monthly conference calls
Past Build Business conference chairs and past Society board presidents (this does not include SMPS chapter presidents) are not eligible to serve in these positions.
If you are interested in serving and qualify, please submit your application by Friday, March 3/02/18.