Congratulations on being a 2018 MCA Finalist
The finalists for each category will be announced at the Evening of Excellence Awards program in San Diego on August 16th during Build Business (, the 2018 SMPS Conference.
To receive your award, please complete the Awards Program Attendance Form below by June 15, be sure to click “SUBMIT” ONCE, it may take a few seconds to process, you will receive a success message once it is complete. We courage you to take advantage of the discounted conference registration rate which is due by June 15. For details including programming, networking events, keynote speakers, schedule, and to register, please visit
In addition, all finalists will have their entries featured in the MCA Gallery displayed at the conference as well as available on their mobile device. Conference attendees will view the online Gallery when selecting their favorite entry for the People’s Choice Award.
As a finalist, you agree to allow SMPS to utilize the images from your entry in future MCA promotions, both electronic and in print.
If you have questions about your results, please contact Molly Dall’Erta at SMPS Headquarters, at 703-684-2270 or We truly appreciate your participation in this year’s MCA program and look forward to welcoming you to Build Business in San Diego.