A Season of Renewal
There’s something about April at SMPS that energizes me.
At SMPS, April means it’s time for the annual Presidents’ Leadership Symposium (PLS). This is a very exciting time for incoming chapter presidents as they come together to build relationships with each other, the Society Board and Staff, and with me as well.
As a lifelong SMPS member, I have been lucky enough to attend 10 PLS events as a co-chair, incoming president, Society board member, and now as foundation president. SMPS holds countless events but this event is my favorite, by far.There is something in the air at this event that energizes me and carries me through several months after I leave.When I attend PLS, I will share with the incoming presidents the impact the foundation is making, along with a review of accomplishments, and a preview of what is happening in the coming months.
1.) We identified several research topics to be considered for our next project. We want to make sure the topics are relevant to our members, therefore in the months ahead, you will receive a notice to vote for the topic of your choice. Our goal is to have our research topic and third party research entity selected by September 1.
2.) We will continue to speak around the country on recent reports including, “Hit Rates” and “Sell. Do. Win Business,” and to share the results from the “2016 Fellows Survey.” If you would like to have a representative speak at your chapter on one of these topics, just ask. Please feel free to reach out to headquarters or contact me directly.
3.) I am working closely with our staff liaison Molly Dall’Erta and Foundation Trustee Dave Barista on a text-to-donate program that will allow members to easily donate to the organization. This program will be unveiled at Build Business in Indianapolis.
I am excited to be headed to Alexandria, Virginia, on April 18 to once again meet some awesome SMPS members, make special memories, and share all the excitement about the accomplishments of the SMPS Foundation.—Carolyn
SMPS Foundation President Carolyn Ferguson is owner of WinMore Marketing Advisors. She can be reached at carolyn@win-more.com or 713.305.8163. Follow her on Twitter @carolynferg.