A/E/C Insider

The A/E/C Insider newsletter

A/E/C Insider, our e-newsletter previously known as Marketer QuickLook, focuses on industry- and professional-related news. It’s delivered to your inbox every third Tuesday of the month. Each issue comes with SMPS announcements, updates, events, career listings, and news.

SMPS members are automatically subscribed.

View a recent issue of Marketer QuickLook.

Nonmembers may subscribe for free below.

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To Contribute

The SMPS marketing team invites you to contribute articles, tools, case studies, chapter news, and “Members on the Move” news for A/E/C Insider. Contact Linda Smolkin, SMPS HQ, at 703.684.2266 or linda@smps.org.

Examples of contributions and/or events we could announce include full-day conferences and chapter or members spotlights (volunteer efforts, #SMPSGivesBack, new job announcements, award recipients). In addition, contributions may include articles related to the profession or industry. These articles must reside on a website or blog so that we can link to the full story from the blurb we use in A/E/C Insider.

If you or your chapter would like to contribute to A/E/C Insider, please contact Linda Smolkin with any questions or your request. We must have the information in paragraph format (50 words or less unless it’s an article that resides on a separate site) at least two weeks prior to the date you’d like it to run. SMPS reserves the right to edit content of the paragraph and cannot guarantee placement in a specific issue due to other initiatives or news story that must run.

Not Receiving A/E/C Insider?

If you’re a member who’s not currently receiving A/E/C Insider, add @smps.org as a safe sender in your email program. Please check your email and junk mail folders in the afternoon on the third Tuesday of the month. Many firms have filters in place that block newsletters. If you’re still not receiving A/E/C Insider, please share this whitelisting information with your IT department. For additional assistance, contact marketing@smps.org.

Types of Donations:

  • Foundation Individual Donation
  • Foundation Chapter Donation
  • Foundation Corporate Donation
  • Foundation Memorial Endowment
  • Donation


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