In our member spotlight, Kelly Reinhardt, CPSM, recently sat down for a virtual chat with SMPS. Kelly has been a member of SMPS since 2009 and director of business development at BCA Architects & Engineers for 19 years. In this spotlight, Kelly shares her most meaningful project, how SMPS has helped her career, and the best career advice she’s been given.
What’s the best career advice you’ve been given? Tina Fey spoke to me in her book Bossypants when she advised following the old Sesame Street film piece to go “over,” “under,” and “through” anyone in your way of completing a project or advancing in your career.
What has been one of your most meaningful work projects? I’m currently leading a new team and we’re having a great time taking our marketing in new directions. I love their energy and am finding joy in working with them every day. We have expanded the firm to seven offices across the state and I’ve really enjoyed exploring new regions for new business opportunities.
We heard you recently passed the CPSM exam, congrats! What made you decide to obtain the designation? And how did your firm support you in the process? I don’t know why I put off taking the exam for so long; it was a great experience. The truth is that Markendium sat on my shelf for years! While reading it, I would stop and daydream about how to apply the principles and ideas to my day-to-day work at the firm. I kept two sets of notes: one for studying for the exam and one for ideas for my firm. I’ve told numerous people that they need to read Markendium and have loaned out my set.
I’ve long known that staff at my firm receive a bonus when they become licensed professionals. I was so happy to receive a surprise bonus from my CEO recognizing my CPSM accomplishment, and I hope other firms follow suit. One of the initiatives I would like to see during my year as president of SMPS Upstate New York (for the 2024-25 FY) is to market the CPSM program to firm leadership for recruitment purposes. In the process, I hope to share my story of getting the CPSM and the value it brings to the firm. I want everyone in the C-suites to know that their “business can be transformed through marketing leadership.”
I’m also proposing a book club for Markendium with six meet-ups highlighting important content from each domain. I see the value of reading Markendium even if you’re not sitting for the exam.
What advice would you give to someone considering getting their CPSM designation? I’ve told everyone that there’s no reason to delay jumping into a study group and sitting for the exam. It has benefited me immensely in my position at the firm. The study group guides you through the process, and you’ll have the confidence to sit for the exam stress-free.
How has being an SMPS member helped you and your career so far? One of the greatest values of being an SMPS member for so many years is the networking for proposal team building. I have instant access to the BD or marketing team members for any firm we wish to team up with. Another very important benefit I have received from being involved with SMPS is the pages of notes of inspiration and ideas I’ve brought back from any SMPS conference.
You’re the president-elect for SMPS Upstate New York. Thanks for volunteering! What made you decide to volunteer for the Society? And what are you most looking forward to within your chapter leadership role? I have greatly benefited from others volunteering on our chapter board for many years, and it was time for me to jump in. I’d heard that CLS in D.C. was a fantastic leadership training opportunity and wanted to experience it. This all happened at a time when my team at the firm was expanding, leaving me room to step up.
What’s on your bucket list? The May 2020 birthday trip to Ireland that still hasn’t happened!